Free Shipping on orders over $150* *Excludes Milk.

Free Shipping on orders over $150* *Excludes Milk.


Raw FairTrade Organic Sugar Sticks (2000 sticks)


Each stick contains 3g of our non-branded Fairtrade, Organic and Carbon Neutral certified sugar.  The use-by date and the Fairtrade, Organic and Carbon Neutral Certification logos are printed on the packaging.

The price of sugar is highly volatile and often extremely low.  Now, through Fairtrade, these growers are taking steps to secure their future and improve their living conditions.  The Fairtrade premium has enabled them to bridge the income gap between harvests, establish their medical centre and dentist clinic, improve access to running water and housing, purchase books and school uniforms, and even establish a plant nursery.  Now the growers have a vision of owning their sugar mill!

Please note - these sugar sticks are branded with the JASPER COFFEE brand.

FairTrade raw sugar sticks are available in boxes of 2000 sticks. The minimum order is one box.  


  • Certified FAIRTRADE

  • Certified ORGANIC

  • Certified CARBON NEUTRAL
