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Free shipping on orders over $150 INCLUDING milk


Grinders CLASSIC BLEND Coffee Beans



Grinders classic blend is blended from Arabica beans from Brazil, Paua New Guinea, Costa Rico, and Mexico.  Depth is added in the form of mild earthy flavours from naturally processed robusta beans.  If you like your coffee strong and well-rounded, this crowd-pleasing punchy blend is designed for milk-based coffees but delivers a good strong espresso. 

Beans: Arabica / Robusta blend - Brazil, Papua New Guinea, Costa Rica and Mexico

Roast: Medium

Strength: 4/5

Style: Full-bodied, medium acidity

Tasting: Nutty, milk chocolate & caramel with a molasses and dark cocoa aftertaste

Certifications: None

Carton: 6 x 1kg bags

Suggested recipe

Dose: 18g
Yield: 36g
Extraction: 31 secs
