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Free shipping on orders over $150 INCLUDING milk


Adore Coffee The Mastro Blend Coffee Beans


This distinctive blend is derived from our Master Adore Coffee Roasters using 100% prized Arabica beans from Central & South America that deliver a low acidity, round, rich, full-bodied coffee.  With flavours of Salted Caramel, Light Toffee and Milk Chocolate, MASTRO provides a luscious coffee that will satisfy your coffee cravings.

Beans:100% Arabica from Central & South America 

Roast: Medium

Strength: 4/5

Style: Rich, Full body, low acidity

Tasting: Salted Caramel, Light Toffee and Milk Chocolate

Certifications: None

Carton: 6 x 1kg bags

Suggested recipe

 Dose 23g
Extraction yield 40g
Brew time 32 sec
Brew temperature 93
